In addition to our weekly physical education lessons we provide extra-curricular sport programs. We participate in Gala Sports Events with local schools which take part at the Cornubia Sports Centre. We also have a strong link with the high school students studying physical education who come and visit our school to interact in educational physical activity programs with our students. All students participate in our Swimming Programs where Years Prep, 2, 4 and 6 attend a swimming program and Years 1, 3 and 5 attend Beach Safety with Surf Life Saving. Students in Years 1, 3 and 5 also attend St John First Aide courses.
Shailer Park State School has three inter-house sports teams Acacia (Yellow), Callistemon (Red), Banksia (Green). As a whole school we hold school athletics carnivals including a yearly Sports Day and Cross Country Day. Following our school athletics carnival representatives have the opportunity to compete at a divisional, regional, state and national level depending on their success at each stage. Children are also given the opportunity to trial for regional teams in all primary school team sports. We are proud to have won our division in District Sports this year and our students at Shailer Park State School are dedicated and active growing individuals who thrive from physical engagement in sport programs.